La vidéo qui buzze dans les milieux footballistiques d’Outre-Rhin en ce moment, c’est le clip de Markus Wierbusch, chanteur du groupe d’indie-rock hambourgeois Kettcar. Intitulée « Der Tag wird kommen », en français « le jour viendra », cette chanson parle d’un footballeur homosexuel qui rêve du jour où il pourra s’affirmer comme tel sans perdre le soutien des supporters de son club.
Cette chanson n’est pas sans rappeler l’histoire de Thomas Hitzlsperger. L’ancien international allemand avait en effet révélé son homosexualité peu après avoir pris sa retraite. Ce geste avait été salué dans tous les milieux de la société allemande et même à l’extérieur. On se souvient notamment du soutien que lui avait apporté David Cameron, Premier ministre britannique et grand fan de son dernier club, Aston Villa.
Le clip, qui dure 9 minutes, a été financé par 1048 personnes via le crowdfunding. Des supporters de plusieurs clubs allemands ont apporté leur soutien au projet et apparaissent dans la vidéo. En plus du FC Sankt-Pauli connu pour ses positions hostiles à toute forme d’homophobie, on compte le Bayern Münich, le Werder Brême, le FC Cologne, le FC Nuremberg, Schalke 04, le HSV, le FC Augsbourg, Mayence 05 et le TeBe Berlin.
Cette initiative est à retrouver en vidéo ci-dessous. Et pas besoin de parler allemand tant les images sont équivoques.
oui le clip est super, la mélodie aussi.
mais trouver les paroles en français serait aussi super
Bonjour NEWSM,
Il existe une traduction des paroles en anglais sur Internet que je vous propose ici :
And the day will come when we all raise our glasses
Floating through the ceiling and toast to celebrate the one
The first who will make it, the bravest of them all
The first who comes through.
It will be the day we will celebrate love, freedom and life
[When] everyone loves whoever they want and the rest keeps quiet
A day as if you had won
This day will come
This day will come, every progress has always been fought for
No matter how long it will take
What the farmer doesn’t know, he will refuse
[in the sense of: you can’t teach an old dog new tricks]
and on the barricades there are the thoughts and ideas
That that’s what’s necessary is possible
Like freedom and equality
that nothing is really impossible and engraved in stone
until one person steps forward: « It’s enough with the cowardice »
History is progress in the consciousness of freedom
[Until] we are walking upright, not living in caves anymore
not brandishing our clubs anymore, killing people
not roaming around in small herds
because people will not stay being homophobic idiots
And the day will come when we all raise our glasses
Floating through the ceiling and toast to celebrate the one
The first who will make it, the bravest of them all
The first who comes through.
It will be the day we will celebrate love, freedom and life
[When] everyone loves whoever they want and the rest keeps quiet
A day as if you had won
This day will come
A-Jugend [youth soccer team], best performance class, Wilhelmsburg-Süd [suburb in Hamburg]
a fraternized bunch [=thick as thieves], and one makes the difference
with so much more talent and with more will than all the others
« Oh, he will be a pro », we all knew it proudly
U17, U19, Hamburg tryouts
at almost every home game: several talent scouts were there
it was only a matter of time until the offer came
first league, three years, and a dream came true
and on the night of the deal when we all wanted to party
He confided in us and nothing changed
because some had suspected it, to others it was clear long ago
some knew it already, and we all didn’t care
We didn’t care at all if he was straight or gay
we had played soccer together since the F-Jugend [youth soccer team]
one gang, one team, one « You’ll never walk alone »
that is how we were taught, that is how it is done now, my son
then drunken tears and the big relief
Oh, this day is coming exactly for the same reason:
Because we don’t judge people for who they love
[because] their sex is their business und they don’t deserve
to be judged by the dumbest of the dumb.
To be judged by the dumbest of the dumb
to be condemned by them
and he took his dream, and moved to another city
and we kept his secret, stayed home and in contact.
And the day will come when we all raise our glasses
Floating through the ceiling and toast to celebrate the one
The first who will make it, the bravest of them all
The first who who comes through.
It will be the day we will celebrate love, freedom and life
[When] everyone loves whoever they want and the rest keeps quiet
A day as if you had won
This day will come
Not to give it away in the big masquerade
the agents hired the girlfriend and put up the big front
the staged vacation pictures and the public appearances
just waiting until it all comes out
Not to give it away, play harder on the field
ten yellow, two red cards and deserving them
« You know me, I never was an unfair player
but no I’m called the kicker [aggressive player] of the league »
« You don’t know how it’s like when you’re always wearing a mask
to always watch who you are, how you are living
constantly, you are basically always in fear
and you are playing this shit the best you can. »
« And the burning desire and the question how it would be like
to be someone else here, now, with this career
if I could change it, this sad life
to decide for my feeling but that’s just how it is. »
We were together in the stadions, like 20 years ago
when they threw bananas at black players
and made monkey sounds every time they touched the ball
These times are over, and not because of a fortunate coincidence
but because of progress, change, we are on the way
foreign ministers, pop stars, rugby players, they are showing how it’s done
in the past it was unthinkable, today it’s normal, I bet 90 percent wouldn’t care.
And remember your relief when the truth came out
how your heart was bursting when the words came out
They will be thrilled for two weeks and then it will be over
and you would’ve found your peace.
« No soccer club wants the hype, no team [wants] the alarm
and the contract I have will be gone as quickly as it came
noone can forsee what happens when the storm breaks out
and the storm will come, if you want it or not. »
« Then you will be the first one, the homo, the freak
there is noone who will still see only the soccer player in you
But yes, it gets better, and the day is in sight
and one will make it, but it’s not going to be me. »
It is your decision, no matter who says anything
During good-bye whispering « With hope in your heart »
still agreed that the day will come
and the next home game will be won
on the way home, this one thought
and almost a smile
all you homophobic idiots, all you stupid haters
all you forum-writers, all you paper pushers
all you wretched small minds with growing pains
all you bible quoters with hate in your heart
all you functionaries with one common denominator
all you herd animals [sheep], all you real man
come together and form a front
and you will see what is coming
And the day will come when we all raise our glasses
Floating through the ceiling and toast to celebrate the one
The first who will make it, the bravest of them all
The first who comes through.
It will be the day we will celebrate love, freedom and life
[When] everyone loves whoever they want and the rest keeps quiet
A day as if you had won
This day will come
This day will come
This day will come
A bientôt,